2021-22 Budget Instructions


This page outlines the instructions, memoranda, and upcoming deadlines and deliverables for the FY2021-22 budget process.

If you have questions about the budget process you can contact your Madison Budget Office Analyst. General inquiries can be sent to mbo@vc.wisc.edu or PlanUW specific emails sent to PlanUW-MSN-MBO@vc.wisc.edu.

Quick Links

Budget Strategy | Budgeting Resources | Personnel Actions | Allocations

Calendar of Deliverables | Budget Instruction Archives

Budget Strategy

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Campus Strategic Initiatives

Coming soon.

Budgeting Deliverables & Timetable

Budget Process Deliverables by Due Date (updated January 13th, 2021):

  • January 17th – CAT is loaded by MBO
  • February 3rd – PlanUW opens
  • February 5th – Summer Session Budget Worksheets are due to DCS
  • February 19th – Extension Budget Requests are due to DCS
  • March 1st – Non-Allocable Funds worksheets are due to MBO (available in Box)
  • April 2nd – MBO will review FTE levels for Funds 128, 131, and 136
  • April 9th – Smaller budget units and Auxiliary budgets are due
  • April 16th – Large school and college budgets are due
  • April 30th – All forecasts are due
  • By June 30th – Obligated, Planned, or Designated commitments with documentation are due
  • Post July 30th – Submission of supporting fund documentation to MBO

Annual Operating Budget Development Instructions

FY22 Annual Operating Budget Development Instructions Memorandum
January 13, 2021
by Karl Scholz
Laurent Heller

Current Year Forecasting

Follow this link to the PlanUW’s Current Year Forecasting webpage where you will find video tutorials, reference guides, deliverables, and more.

Forecasts are due April 23rd for smaller units and Auxiliaries and April 30th for Large school and colleges.

Budgeting Resources

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Budgeting Tools & User Guides

CAT and PlanUW

Budgeting tools being used for the Annual Operating Budget entry include PlanUW; for all non-compensation, revenue, and budget balancing. The Compensation Administration Tool (CAT) is used for salary, wages and FTE entry.

What was known as the Planning Allocation (PA) Tool will no longer be used nor serviced. Commitments, allocations, and budget targets will now be entered and supported inside the PlanUW tool. Training will be coming in the following months.

There is guidance, training materials, and instructions on how to use these tools – found on their respective web pages. If you have any questions, need technical assistance, or if you would like to request a divisional or individual training, please reach out to your MBO Analyst.

Additional Tools

Completing the Annual Operating Budget can be made easier with the use of additional data, Tableau, and canned reports to complete an informed and sound budget. On the MBO website, we hold numerous Operational Reports that can assist in looking at historical trends and current state. Academic Planning and Institutional Research (APIR) manages the Department Planning Profiles as well as other Tableau dashboards that may be helpful in completing your budget. If you are looking for assistance in data extraction or compilation of specific data needs, please reach out to your MBO Analyst who may be able to assist or they can direct you to a data specialist.

Auxiliary Input Assumptions

Checklist for Establishing New Centers & Re-Organizations

Coming soon.

UW System Budget & Allocation Memoranda

2021-22 Program Revenue Budget Building Cost Factors & Timeline Memorandum
November 12, 2020
by Chrissy Klappa

UW System 2021-22 Initial Allocation

2021-22 Annual Budget Guidelines with Timeline
January 21, 2021
by Aimee Arnold

Budget Balancing Tools

CAT Live View / CAT to PlanUW Integration

CAT entry and changes will be pulled in periodically throughout the day to update PlanUW where budget tie-outs and balancing will occur. As divisions approach their operating budget submission due dates, (to better assist in balancing while the CAT to PlanUW integration has not yet occurred), we are maintaining the Live CAT View in the Planning Allocation tool where you can balance subsequent to the next scheduled integration.

Click here to access the CAT Data Integration schedule.

Budget balancing (including FTE) will be completed inside PlanUW which has replaced the Planning Allocation tool.

Personnel Actions

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Compensation Adjustments

Central Funds for Compensation Adjustments for FY 2021-22
September 28, 2021
by John Karl Scholz
Robert Cramer

Graduate Assistant Stipend Minima & Principles

FY22 Graduate Assistant Stipend Minima & Principles Memorandum
November 12, 2020
by John Karl Scholz
Laurent Heller
William J. Karpus

The FY22 GA Minimum funding rates are as follows:

Teaching Assistantship (per 50% appointment)
Academic: $20,500

Lecturer Student Assistant (per 50% appointment)
Academic: $22,500

Project Assistantship (per 50% appointment)
Academic: $20,500
Annual: $25,056

Research Assistantship (per 50% appointment)
Academic: $20,304
Annual: $24,816

PA Grader/Reader
Hourly rate: $21.57

University Fellowship, Advanced Opportunity Fellowship and Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
Annual: $28,000
Academic: $22,909

If you should have questions, please contact Associate Dean Lisa Martin.

Salary Ranges & Minima for Unclassified Staff

The Office of Human Resources policy outlines salary ranges and minima.

Academic Staff Minima

Academic Staff Salary Ranges & Minima

The salary ranges for academic staff titles in Category A and the minima for those in Category B are obtained in Appendix A.

The minima or maxima apply to all current appointments, vacant academic staff positions and all new appointments. Salary minima for members of the academic staff are mandatory.

Academic staff, with extraordinary pay ranges are limited to the maximum salary of that extraordinary pay range. The only exceptions are the IT titles with extraordinary salary ranges that are indexed to certain non-represented IT titles.

Faculty Salary Minima

The minima apply to all current appointments, vacant positions and new appointments, whether made through the budget process or the appointment system. Promotions in rank are also subject to these minima.

2021-22 Faculty Salary Minima

wdt_ID Rank Academic Annual
1 Professor $64,604 $78,954
2 Associate Professor $53,543 $65,437
3 Assistant Professor $42,574 $52,304
4 Instructor $40,368 $49,331


Compensation Adjustments for Faculty Promotions Memorandum
February 10, 2021
by Beth Meyerand
Mark Walters

Promotions are allowed to fall between a fixed-dollar amount and ten percent of the faculty member’s salary base. Faculty promotions should reflect at least the following rate changes that were approved by the University and the Provost.

2022-23 Promotion

wdt_ID Promotion (that took effect in AY 2022-23) Academic (9-month basis) Annual (12-month basis)
1 Associate Professor to Professor $10,532 $12,449
2 Assistant Professor to Associate Professor $8,196 $9,598

2021-22 Promotion

wdt_ID Promotion (that took effect in AY 2021-22) Academic (9-month basis) Annual (12-month basis)
1 Associate Professor to Professor $10,325 $12,205
2 Assistant Professor to Associate Professor $8,035 $9,410

Post Degree Training Minima

The minima apply to all current appointments, vacant positions and new appointments, whether made through the budget process or the appointment system.

2021-22 Post Degree Training Minima

wdt_ID Title Title Code Full-Time Rate
1 Research Associate X01NN Academic $29,748 / Annual $36,352
2 Research Intern X50NN Academic $25,331 / Annual $30,952

Based on the nature of the work for post-doctoral employees and the competitive factors of our peers, UW-Madison requires that all full-time Postdoctoral Fellows (X10NN), Postdoctoral Trainee (X30NN), and Research Associates (X10NN) have a base salary of $47,476. This may occur through two appointments allowed under the University of Wisconsin-Madison Policy For Supplementation and Concurrent Appointments for Postdoctoral Employees-in-Training Fellowships or Traineeships. If a position meets the FLSA exemption of a teacher, doctor, or lawyer, the position is not subject to this salary requirement. Divisions should denote this FLSA exemption using the Working Title field in HRS for ease of tracking.


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Fund Specific Allocations

FY22 Fund 101 Budget Model Reallocations

GPR Initial Allocations FY22

2021-22 Fund 150 Overhead Allocation MemoAppendix A

2021-22 Fund 133 Overhead Allocation Memo

Extension & Outreach

The Division of Continuing Studies/Office of the Associate Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning should be contacted concerning questions relating to UW Extended Campus (formerly CEOEL) and the Division of Business and Entreprenuership (DEB).

Please contact Hope Simon for inquiring and additional information.

Divisions involved in UW Extended Campus and DEB programming submit 2021-22 budget changes to the Division of Continuing Studies/Office of the Provost for Lifelong Learning.

Budget Due Dates & Deliverables

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Archived Budget Instructions

The instructions included in this section relate to the annual and biennial budget development cycles.






Do you need to view the budget instructions for a year that is not listed? Please contact our office:
