Budget Contacts (OLD)

Madison Budget Office Staff

If you have any questions about the materials on this site or other budget-related inquiries, please contact the staff:

Tim Norris
Associate Vice Chancellor
(608) 263-4707

Ann Bourque
Budget and Policy Analyst
(608) 890-0481

[Primary Contact for A53, A63, A93]

Phillip Braithwaite
Senior Institutional Planner
(608) 263-0562

Ashley Folcik
Budget Planner

[Primary Contact for A0205, A04, A17, A27, A80, A85, A87, A88]

Andrew Johnson
Budget Planner
(608) 263-1542

[Primary Contact for A0220, A0225, A03, A05, A10, A34, A40, A71, A96]

Jennifer Klippel
Senior Budget Planner
(608) 890-1842

[Primary Contact for A0110, A0224, A0267, A07, A12, A18, A19, A37, A48, A54, A57]

Andy Taylor
Budget Planner
(608) 262-8543

[Primary Contact for A06, A42, A45, A49, A52, A56, A77]

UW- Madison Divisional Budget Officers

If you have any questions about financial data as it relates to specific schools, colleges and administrative units, please contact the following individuals:

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Chancellor/ Provost/ External Relations/ Office of Legal Affairs (A0110, A0224, A0267)

Dan Jonas, daniel.jonas@wisc.edu, (608) 890-4247

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Advancement (A0205)

Darren Uhl, darren.uhl@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3824

Office of Human Resources/ Business Services (A0220, A03)

Carl Dauschmidt, carl.dauschmidt@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3824

Division of Student Life (A04)

Sue Duhr, duhr@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5707

Division of Enrollment Management (A05)

Kelly Anderson, kelly.anderson@wisc.edu, (608) 262-5215

Division of Information Technology (A06)

John Krogman, john.krogman@wisc.edu, (608)262-8874 [Interim Budget Officer]

Rachel Cannistraro, rachel.cannistraro@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2599 [Primary CAT Contact]

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (A07)

Angie Seitler, seitler@wisc.edu, (608) 261-1432

Division of International Studies (A10)

Poli Hyseni, physeni@international.wisc.edu, (608) 262-9511

School of Business (A12)

Dave Towers, dave.towers@wisc.edu, (608) 262-4700 [Budget Officer]

Lisa Learish, lisa.learish@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2401 [Primary CAT Contact]

School of Education (A17)

Melissa Amos-Landgraf, amoslandgraf@wisc.edu, (608) 262-4474

Arts Institute (A18)

Staci Francis, sfrancis@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3794

College of Engineering (A19)

Barb McPherson, bmcpherson@wisc.edu, (608) 263-1605

School of Human Ecology (A27)

Natalie Feggestad, feggestad@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2931

Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (A34)

Petra Schroeder, petra.schroeder@wisc.edu, (608) 262-1044 [Budget Officer]

Julie Karpelenia, julie. karpelenia@wisc.edu(608) 262-8389 [Primary CAT Contact]

Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (A40)

Lynn West, lewest@wisc.edu, (608) 262-6435

Athletics (A42)

Mario Morris, mgm@athletics.wisc.edu, (608) 265-4134 [Budget Officer]

James Muller, jnm@athletics.wisc.edu, (608) 265-4531 [Primary CAT Contact]

Law School (A45)

Bethany Pluymers, pluymers@wisc.edu, (608) 265-7981

College of Letters and Science (A48)

Anne Gunther, gunther@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2347

General Libraries (A49)

Jaime Bauman, jaimebauman@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8190

State Lab of Hygiene (A52)

James Sterk, james.sterk@slh.wisc.edu, (608) 265-9464

School of Medicine and Public Health (A53)

Ken Mount, kmount@wisc.edu, (608) 263-4938 [Budget Officer]

Darlene Wood, dwood2@wisc.edu, (608) 263-4931 [Primary CAT Contact]

School of Nursing (A54)

Dundee McNair, dmcnair@wisc.edu, (608) 263-8238 [Budget Officer]

Padmini Prashanth, pprashan@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5159 [Primary CAT Contact]

School of Pharmacy (A56)

Adam Whitehorse, whitehorse@wisc.edu, (608) 262-9984

University Health Services (A57)

Arnie Jennerman, aajennerman@uhs.wisc.edu, (608) 262-1907 [Budget Officer]

Holly Yan, hyan@uhs.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0131 [Primary CAT Contact]

Officer Education (A63)

Jim Johannes, jjohannes@bus.wisc.edu, (608) 265-4488

Facilities Planning and Management (A71)

Ken Dvorak, ken.dvorak@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2233

University Police (A77)

Cindy Blankenship, cindy.blankenship@wisc.edu, (608) 262-4529

Rec Sports (A0280, A80)

Jeff Sailor, jeff.sailor@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2158

University Housing (A85)

Laura Morris, laura.morris@housing.wisc.edu, (608) 262-8706 [Budget Officer]

Brenda Krueger, brenda.krueger@housing.wisc.edu, (608) 262-6112 [Primary CAT Contact]

School of Veterinary Medicine (A87)

Ed Rodriguez, elrodriguez@wisc.edu, (608) 263-3350

Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (A88)

Brenda Anderson, brenda.anderson@wvdl.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5432

Division of Continuing Studies (A93)

Hope Simon, hope.simon@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2394

Wisconsin Union (A96)

Jane Oberdorf, jane.oberdorf@wisc.edu, (608) 263-3924